Hanka Schweppe - Queensland Industry Tourism Council


Read about Hanka’s career path

  • What’s your favourite thing about your job?

    I get to meet a lot of new people and spend the whole day outdoors.

  • What are the key roles and responsibilities in your role?

    I start the day by confirming how many people are taking part in my tour sessions. I then make sure that everything I need for the tour is set up and ready to go. When the guests arrive, I give them a briefing and then we start the tour, where I share lots of information and make sure they have a fun time.

  • How did you get into tourism and your current role?

    I made my passion my job. A lot of my hobbies involve being outdoors, so I started my tourism career by becoming a rock-climbing instructor. From there I moved into a role as a general tour guide.

  • What’s your advice for someone considering a career in tourism?

    Just go for it! If your passion is educating people and meeting new faces every day, give tour guiding a go. I promise you that you’ll have a lot of fun.