Software and app developer - Queensland Industry Tourism Council

Software and app developer

Software and app developers design, develop, test, maintain and document program code in accordance with user requirements, and system and technical specifications.


  • Research, design, and write new software programs
  • Evaluate and maintain effectiveness of existing software and systems
  • Develop existing programs by analysing and identifying areas for modification
  • Integrate existing software products
  • Create technical specifications and test plans
  • Write systems to control the scheduling of jobs on a mainframe computer or to control the access allowed to users or remote systems
  • Maintain systems by monitoring and correcting software defects
  • Work closely with other staff, such as project managers, graphic artists, UX designers, other developers, systems analysts and sales and marketing professionals
  • Consult with clients and colleagues regarding the maintenance and performance of software systems with a view to writing or modifying current operating systems
  • Investigate new technologies
  • Continually update technical knowledge and skills by attending in-house and external courses, reading manuals and accessing new applications

Future demand

Future demand - Very strong

How to become a Software and app developer

  • You usually need a bachelor or postgraduate degree in a related information technology field (such as programming, software engineering, software development or computer science) to work as a software or app developer. Training may also be available through Vocational Education and Training (VET). There are also a wide range of vendor and industry certifications available that may substitute for formal qualifications and can be highly regarded by employers.
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